I had hoped to be posting an interview today with baile funk legend, MPC master and head of the Pitbull Soundsystem, Sany Pitbull. I was supposed to have gone to the funk ball in the favela Cantagalo last night to watch the man in action and to conduct the interview. Instead I slept on it... literally.
Fear not not dear reader, this interview will happen. Sany and his equipe (or soundsytem) have been holding it down in Cantagalo every Saturday night for the last 12+ years. There will be more opportunities.
Instead, I'm sending you over to Dj Rideon's excellent blog, 'Rio Baile Funk', to check out an interview that he did with Sany in 2007. In it, they cover Sany's innovative use of the MPC 500, the social roll of funk in the favela and the dominance of the tamborzão style in carioca funk at the moment. Read and enjoy and when I finally do get around to doing my interview, you'll be well up to speed.
The baile on Cantagalo is on fridays...
Thanks bro! Nice blog you have! I think I'll have to feature your Zuzuka interview on my blog soonish...
Timo / Rideon
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