clockwise from the top: inside of Plano B, the listening station + a few results, my man Fernando holding up my newly scored copy of 'Chicken Strut', me playing with Fernando's 'Ioto Stimulos'...from Kraftwerk's first US tour, I believe ;)
This is the first installment of what I hope to be a recurring feature on the San FranCarioca: Diggers Diary. I'll be taking you along with me as I uncover Rio's hidden emporiums of funky wax and sharing with you the results.
Today as I was trying (unsuccessfully) to navigate my way back from the Cinelandia Metro Station, my 48th wrong turn of the day led me right past a store front called Plano B. And what made me notice this otherwise nondescript store front? A copy of 'Chicken Strut' by those inimitable ambassadors of NOLA funk, The Meters...the only Lp of theirs missing from my collection...was starring back at me through the dirty window. I don't know how many times I resisted the temptation to pick up the reissue of this album in hopes of scoring the original someday (without the pain of having to bend over to pay someone on ebay), just to be able to play the 'Hand Clapping Song' out at the club. Sometimes you find the heat, some times the heat finds you. Needless to say, I was straight in there.
Plano B is a record store as record stores should be...or used to be. The owner himself, Fernando his name was, sat behind the counter having a smoke next to a discarded disco ball. Crates of wax from every genre of music that matters filled the small room, competing for space with unidentifiable electronic apparatus' from the 60's and 70's. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, god yes! (I know what your thinking and you're right on both counts. Yes, I do live for this shit and, Yes, I am a total dork)
As usual when entering previously undiscovered record shops, the timing of the event seemed to correspond with some sort of disruption in the space time continuum. When I finally walked out, it was dark and I had missed an appointment with someone about a dj gig...and I still wasn't exactly sure how to get home. Of course the euphoric rush had yet to wear off and I would not become fully cognizant again until well after I finally had found home.
The other discovery I made upon returning to the flat is potentially the best. On the bottom of the small stack I picked out were two 12"s that were unintentionally mixed up in the mele. The first, a Brazilian pressing of 'Whoot There It Is' (Oops No You Didn't) that will get returned tomorrow and a heretofore unknown oddity....'Electonicus: música brasileira interpretada em moog sinthesizer' by Renata Mendes. You don't need to speak Portuguese to work out that title. Two of my favorite genres on one record...Brasilan Popular Music and tripped out Moog recordings....sick!
See? This is why I choose to leave the map at home.
'Electronicus' by Renata Mendes
Plano B
Rua Francisco Muratori 2A, Lapa
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
tel: (55) (21) 2509 3266
i'll update this post with some audio as soon as i get a chance to digitize a few choice selections
1 comment:
I followed the Hand Clapping Song link to teh You Tubez and I don't think I'm gonna' stop bobbing my head to that song bouncing around in there for a hot minute.
I have to go glean it from the intarwebs now.
With its little cousins:
Cissy Strut and Look-Ka Py Py which it turns out also own me this afternoon. Thanks for getting lost!!
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