'Me Bota Pra Dancar'
Beat Nicker San FranCarioca Remix
Edu K feat. Marina
listen here via myspace
download the 320kb MP3 here [via sendspace]
I started this back in SF and then put it away. I finished it recently after soaking up the vibe here the past few weeks. I guess it's sort of where I've been heading, production wise, with the San Francarioca thing...fusing funk carioca influences with a bit of electro 'frisco freakiness.
The remix contains some classic tamborzao funk elements, a groove lifted from a Fernanda Abreu track, some Macumbinha elements from the north..and some chopped guitar from they might be giants. hmmmm.
sick. nice use of Ana Ng. very subtle. love the mix from friday too. keep up the bom trabalho.
tamborzao do frisco? ya mon!
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