In this installment from sunny and violent Rio, the San FranCarioca sits down for an exclusive interview with the one called Zuzuka. Suckahs take notes!
San FranCarioca: Oi, gata! Tudo bom?
Zuzuka Poderoda: Tudo, e voce??
SFC: Beleza! Why don't you start by introducing yourself to my loyal readers and tell us (all the many places!) where you are from.
ZP: Ok, I'm Zuzuka Poderosa and I live in Brooklyn, New York. I was born and raised in Brazil, but I'm half Indonesian. I've Been living away from home for the past 10 years.
SFC: So you're based in the Rotten, er I mean Big Apple now. What's the current state of Funk music in NYC and how would you say The City has added it's own spice to the genre's musical evolution?
ZP: It's still very underground, so to speak speak. NYC itself is not a big place. Many people who are involved in the nightlife scene know about [baile funk] or at least have heard the name somewhere. As for the evolution of baile funk in NYC, I hope I can be a big contributor to make it big here. I think it's working. Whenever I see someone listening to baile funk for the first time, I get an immediate positive reaction.

SFC: You wear many hats in this game: poet, MC, DJ, event producer and promoter. How did you come to be involved with this thing called Funk?
ZP: I started to like funk when I was 10 or 11yrs old. My brother used to take me to see Furacão 2000 in the club where he used to go. In New York I used to hold an event called Samfunksoulbeat with my partner DJ Flashblack. Then I met these guys from Nossa who started throwing baile funk & reggae parties in town. So one day at the studio I asked them to let me get on the mic to say a couple of Brazilian words. That's when I wrote that same day in the studio, "Ai Voce Gosta"… and it worked! I couldn't believe people were really into it!
SFC: Being involved with the music on so many levels (and even having read some of your poetry), it's obvious to me that you are quite a strong female. Detractors of baile funk often like to claim that the genre can be denigrating to woman. How would you respond to this?
ZP: I can imagine that. Just like dancehall is for many people who don't want to understand the lyrics. It depends on the person really. I don't want to start analyzing how Brazilians behave in society....machismo, etc. I think women today have the ability to turn things around and have the first word as well. I try to do that at least. It's not the only degrading part about baile funk. Baile funk has been discriminated against for a very long time for different reasons, such as the level of class, the level of color, and other political issues. But it's even harder for the haters now to see that it's becoming bigger & bigger and appreciated worldwide.
SFC: You have worked with some heavy hitters in the game: Amazing Clay & MC Gus, DJ Cassiano & DJ Sujinho from the Nossa crew just to name a few. What's next on the horizon for Zuzuka Poderosa?
ZP: Yes! I'm working on my album, and I hope to be working with producers worldwide as well. I want to make it international. I think it's a good way to spread the word.

SFC: I know that when you were in Brazil last, you did a show with carioca funk legend, Mr. Catra. What was that like?
ZP: I was in Sao Paulo. I met him and his crew a few days earlier. He was asking me a few questions and he asked if I had anything to show him, so I did some acapellas for him and everyone was loving it. After that he invited me to go to his show a few days later. So I showed up at the show and soon after he told me he was going to hand me the mic. So I told him to bring it on! I couldn't believe that was happening. I still can't believe actually. I love Catra. He inspires me a lot.
SFC: Damn, like that? Represent! Alright girl, one last question before I let you go... With the recent advances in the human genome project, I'm hoping we will soon have a definitive answer to this burning question. But until then, maybe you can help shed some light on the subject. Just how do Brazilian females get their bundas bouncing the way they do? I mean really!?
ZP: It began in Africa baby...
SFC: Hahahaha! Like everything good! Muito obrigado, minha amiga, for taking the time to chat with the San Francarioca! Anything else you want to add or anyone you want to give a shout out to before we wrap this up?
ZP: To everyone in Brazil for welcoming me at the shows I did… Sany Pitbull, Rio Neurotic Bass Crew, Daft Funk, all the amazing people in Belo Horizonte who came to see the show, Akira Matsui, Mr. Catra Family, the Vigaristas girls for going to Brazil and representing with me, Helida, Zero Bloodshake, Luiz, Thiago DJ, DJ Nuts, DJ Comrade and Xao Productions and my friends and family who are always there for me!. Oh! And sorry if I forgot to mention anyone else. I really mean to say thank you so much to all of you guys…and to the San Francarioca!!
SFC: Ta bom, gata.... com respeito e um beijo. Tchau!
And so there you have it and now you know. Hit her up on myspace and keep your ear out for the album. Until then, download her cuts [right click, save as, you know the score] 'Chama O Bombeiro' here [mp3] and 'Deixa o Tambozao' here [mp3]. And if you missed the link above, peep the video for 'Ai Você Gosta' below!
If you're still wanting more Zuzuka, here's some flicks from her last tour through Brazil courtesy of the Vigarista Collective's flickr stream.
the mp3 links dont work. :/
damn....that's what happens when you post at 4:30 AM i guess;) anyways, links are fixed now. happy downloading! -->tee...
Yes, more funk, please? Also, if you need to know where all of the ladies learned to make their junk hop, it takes place on the 400 block of Haight Street next to the Top and above Walgreen's three times a week.
Nice! Good interview and ill funk!
Eu amo baile funk! Thanks for the great interview and the great music. Zuzuka Poderosa is one of my new favorites!
deixo o tamborzao is some brazilian heat! when are you coming to play in cali!? please?
ps - love the vid. hot!
n porra! irado ! alem da zuzuca ser um xuxuca (lol), a batida eh foda , dancante e a letra bem "senxual"(mistura de sensual com sexual)enfim , bem rio de janeiro , bem nova york e meio londres tb !
porfim , conexao musical eh sempre bom .
precisamos de mais projetos como esse , naum soh exatamente como funk cou outros estilos , mas tb outros estilos musicais brasileiros misturados com ritmos gringos , saum com certeza oq a musica , mundialmente falando , precisa .
lets shake this world motherfuckers!!!
Hey, it's so nice that i'm getting a good feedback!!
Glad you're like it!! more in the making!! Thanks & beijus! Zuzuka
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