"Troops to be sent to Brazil's Rio to provide security for municipal elections" - Xinhua News
Rio's Governor, Cabral Filhos, known for his policies of heavy confrontation with traficantes, defended the decision saying it was to allow for free campaigning in all parts of the city and to prevent residents of the favelas from being forced to cast their vote for a candidate backed by a drug faction.
Well, ok. Fair enough. But then they're leaving, right?
"Cabral said the number of troops to be sent and the date would be set by the Superior Electoral Tribunal and state officials. He added that he intends to keep the troops there after the elections to help combat crime (emphasis is mine)." [1]Oh boy. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Besides sounding a lot like martial law is about to be selectively put into affect, maybe it's because the last time the military was used to provide protection in a favela, things didn't work out so good. (we won't even talk about what happened in 2006)
1 comment:
hi, thanks for your comment at my blog
and you also have a very interesting blog here, good mix of music and some interesting info posts. really like it
sadly I can´t post a comment under your brasil mix post (Eu Amo Brasil: A Mix To Ease You Into The Weekend), I just can´t find the post a comment link. well, so I post my comment here.
I exactly favourite the same track from the Antonio Adolfo record, "Aonde voce vai". such a beautifull track, unbelievable and again and again with every listening pushin endorphines through my mind!
The funny thing is, this song is the reason I got into brasilian sounds. I listened to it first at the local university radio station years ago, but wasn´t able to find out who the artists is I listened to. But some months ago I relaxed with some weed, a tea and a fine remix (forget the DJ) and again the song was played, this time I had a playlist, hooray :-)
I started to dig me into brasilian soul, jazz, funk, bossa nova, mpb.... and I didn´t stop until today, but antonio adolfo was my entrance into it.
so your choice to open your mix with this song was a very good decision, but I like the rest of the mix as well. a very good selection, most of the tracks I already knew, but some I never heard before. do you have a playlist and can you post it?
greetings from europe, urbanology
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